Monday, 2 April 2007

Hard paving causes ground to shrink

Subsidence is a major cost in many areas. Houses, paths and walls can develop severe cracks and, at the least, require re-finishing. It is often caused by hard paving, especially over clay soils. When rainfall cannot get into the ground it can cause the soil to shrink.

Ensure natural drainage can occur close to buildings by using permeable surafces such as gravel, grass or garden soil. In areas where traffic is high and trees need protection, metal gratings around trees keep the tree roots safe and allows rainwater to drain naturally.


Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.

GSB said...

You're welcome!

It's one of those things that is so easily overlooked.

There are new building regulations being brought in to UK that will apparently require planning permission if you propose to cover your front garden in hard paving. The cynic in me says that no doubt people will find ways to convince the planners that they really need asphalt though